Chris Brady

"From engineer to network marketing multi-millionaire"

Chris Brady
Chris Brady
North Carolina, USA

Today Chris Brady earns a solid six-figure monthly income from his Direct Selling business. For those of you who saw him present at previous Mastermind Events, you'd agree with Art Jonak when he says, "Chris is quite possible the best and most entertaining platform speakers in the world."

But it wasn't always this way...

Chris Brady's background is in engineering. Boring by his own admittance. He received his BA in Mechanical Engineering at Kettering University (formerly GMI-EMI) and his Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University as a General Motors Fellow, with Master's Thesis work completed at Toyohashi University in Japan.

It was through Direct Selling that he was able to break free from engineering and creating a life of freedom for his family... but also of significance.

Today he is the CEO of a world-class leadership development service provider. He is also the executive publisher of Obstacles Press, and one of the founders of All Grace Outreach, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Chris has co-authored the New York Times, Business Weekly, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Money Magazine best-seller, Launching a Leadership Revolution. He has also co-authored Leadership and Liberty and is the author ofRascal, A Month of Italy: Rediscovering the Art of Vacation and several other titles on leadership and success.

He's listed on the Inc. Magazine Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts. He is also listed among the Top 100 Authors to follow on Twitter. Online Masters Degree Programs chose his blog for a Masters Award in Leadership as well as being listed in the Top 150 Management and Leadership Blogs. In 2010 he was awarded the Kettering/GMI Alumni Association Entrepreneurial Achievement Award.

With a combination of passion and clean humor, Chris Brady's communication style has won him fans across age groups and genres, earning him accolades as "one of the best teachers in the business." Creator of the popular Fred Snodgrass, Obstacles, and Rascal characters, he has spoken to audiences around the world on the subjects of leadership and success.

Chris is an avid motorized adventurer, world traveler, humorist, private pilot, community builder, soccer fan, and dad. He enjoys humor, history, business, travel, sports, music, architecture, photography, his family and friends, motorized adventure, reading, and sharing his faith. He hates math and science, waiting in line at Subway restaurants and the American cultural phenomenon known as left lane driving. :)

He also has one of the world's most unique resumes; including experience with a live bug in his ear, walking through a paned-glass window, chickening out from the high-dive in elementary school, destroying the class ant-farm in third grade, losing a spelling bee on the word "use," jack-hammering his foot, and more recently - sinking his snowmobile in a lake.

Chris and his wife Terri have been married for 25 years. They have four children, ages 21, 18, 14, and 13, and live in North Carolina.

Chris is another Mastermind Event faculty member you simply won't find on the usual speaking circuit. Normally to learn his insights, you'd have to be a member of his team. Like the other presenters, he's agreed to participate in this generic event, working to elevate the profession for us all.

This speaker does not currently have a bio.

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